Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Like I Don't Have Better Things To Do?

Of coarse I do, I'm still spending lots of time at the hospital, daily.  Yes I still have dogs to feed, water and walk. Still have to take care of phone calls, paperwork, bills, you know the sometimes stressful things in life. Maybe that's one of the reasons I bake, a little stress relief. Plus I like the motto...bake someone happy. After spending the day at the hospital learning new techniques to deal with my wife's stroke and how to properly help her move around I came home and started a little stress relief baking. After whipping up a few dozen cupcakes I let them cool and called it a night. This am I whipped up my special (less sweet, more smooth) coconut butter cream frosting and a batch of coconut and chocolate. I really did feel better after I assembled them and sampled one, just one. So what did i make? Almond Joy Cupcakes with a mounds center, coconut butter cream frosting topped with a little toasted coconut, sliced almonds a drizzle of chocolate and a whole almond on the top. As I was delivering them this am I got quite a few comments like..."those look yummy" and  "I'm following you" to which my response was "they are" and "I don't blame you"
Anyways as

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