Monday, September 24, 2012

Boston/Cape Cod

We took a day trip yesterday to "The Cape" to do some visiting of relatives that we haven't seen for awhile. Being Sunday the traffic was light but it still took us four hours to get to the cape. We had a little time before our afternoon meet so we took a drive to Woods Hole MA and visited a few beaches and the Nobska lighthouse. Our final destination was Falmouth MA my wife's family having lived there since the thirty's. We drove along the harbor and visited the Flying Bridge restaurant which was built owned and operated by my wife's grandfather and her father. It wasn't like the original building there were no more hand carved railings and all the other hand carved wood that had been done when the original building was built. we drove about a hundred yards down the harbor from the restaurant to look across the bay at the marine repair shop the my wife's father once owned. It is a beautiful harbor and the ferry runs from there to Martha's Vineyard. That's a trip for another day.
The pictures taken in Boston as we drove through are the "trademark" bridge of Boston, the John Hancock building which on the fourth of July is open (for a fee) to view the fireworks show which if you have the opportunity to do you should take the time to do it, it's defiantly worth it. The other picture is part of downtown and the harbor nearby.

There are two bridges you can cross from "the mainland" to the cape, the Bourne bridge, which is the one we used and the Sagamore bridge which is accessed from I495. It was a beautiful day in the seventies and like always it would have been nice to be able to spend more time there to take in more of the area sights.

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